/Edition 2 Issue #5
It’s already February of 2015; where does the time go? And now I must ask myself: What can I do to progress? which practices will allow me to live a more fulfilling life in 2015 and beyond…(pun intended)?
Let’s look at how we can prepare for the exciting Valentines Day 2015, how can I best remove the things standing in the way of my progress, removing the walls blocking me from the “Sunlight of the Spirit”. When I cleanse my Soul, my Aura will illuminate and I can best be of service to others, this will allow me to best be a partner, a lover, a parent, a son/daughter.
This is the greatest gift you can give to loved ones on Valentines Day 2015, and especially prepare for next week’s blog post on “LOVE”. (Subscribe now to be sure to get this delivered directly to your inbox) Learning to Love oneself is the first step in manifesting love, and projecting loving-kindness. Let this be our ultimate goal: if God is Love then I must properly understand. Look for next week’s blog post on “LOVE” right here!
Progress is what we are looking for. In our last few posts we spoke of “ego-mind”(click to link), “letting go”(click to link), “change”(click to link), and “awareness”(click to link), these are stepping stones to removal of “RESENTMENTS” and the pain and suffering which are associated with holding onto resentments.
We need to properly understand and feel the resentment we are holding, know the damage this is causing to our Spirit body, know the damage this does as it affects the aura around us, the ability to properly relate to others, our ability to properly interact and communicate rest on our inner peace. The greater our self- awareness,(our blog post on “SELF-AWARENESS” in April 2015, subscribe today to have it delivered directly to your inbox, you don’t want to miss it!) our inner-peace, the better we will express our feelings and concerns with our loved ones, and our interactions with other will improve. We speak a lot today about empathy, seeing the other person’s side of things, placing ourselves in their shoes, so to speak, and truly communicating from the heart; this comes much more easily and naturally when we remove the barriers: the biggest of which is resentments. This is a deadly one, we must, at all costs remove this wall blocking us from the “Sunlight of the Spirit” and our effectiveness in this world. Removal of resentment where it grows, as soon as it is identified is the quality of the great leader, quality of the best followers, and quality of the best parent, son/daughter, friend, counsellor, doctor, nurse, basically everyone benefits from our getting out of our misery of resentfulness.
How can I let go of “RESENTMENTS”? Well the first step to this journey is willingness (look for our blog post on “WILLINGNESS” in April 2015, subscribe today to have it delivered directly to your inbox, you don’t want to miss it!) I need to become completely willing to accept:
a) I have a problem,
b) I have been unable to solve it of my own will,
c) The Universe (Source of ALL there is and ALL there ever will be) is welcoming and completely open to helping me do what I cannot do for myself.
Photo by author © 2015 All rights reserved
These three important steps lead us to a place of surrender; I must completely surrender (our blog post on “SURRENDER” on March 25, 2015, subscribe today to have it delivered directly to your inbox) to be endowed with the Grace to properly let go of the things blocking us from the “Sunlight of the Spirit”, and resentment is a huge blockage. Melody Beattie brings a twentieth century twist to an age-old analogy, bringing her life experience to an enlightened view, so we don’t all have to go to China and climb mountains, we can look inside and see the Truth:
“…climbing thousands of steps. For the first three hours we climbed…
While I huffed and puffed, silently praying… …a man suddenly approached from behind. He was bent over, his head almost touching the ground from the weight of the wooden beams on his back. The beams looked like they weighed as much as he did. When he passed… … awe replaced my fatigue.
…Later the man explained in broken English that the wood he carried was special, sacred. It was to help repair the temple... Carrying the beams was a privilege to him, not a burden. When we started climbing again, the man moved with extraordinary strength and speed. He beat us to the top.
When we surrender, we get the Grace and strength to carry any legitimate burdens we have. Carrying them is important for the temple, other people, and us. Often we don’t see the benefits until later, after we’re done climbing. We can endure almost any pain or problem, or carry any burden–if it’s for a good reason. Purpose (Bold is Bill’s) transforms ordinary tasks into sacred mission… − Melody Beattie (Click the link to get more from Melody)
When am I actually in resentment? How do I identify this feeling and set about letting them go, setting about freeing myself in surrender? First we have to sit quietly and look for the true origin of the things we feel. Usually resentment is something we feel towards someone who has done us wrong, who has so purposefully and willfully attacked or harmed us in some way.
When I set to writing this resentment down, to looking closely at my feelings in reference to this apparent hurt, I can write this in columns and define the process. The closer I look at any resentment, properly writing down the chain of events I look for my part in the process, my part in the harm done and the origins of my feelings towards the hurt. The closer I look, the more I define the process leading to the resentment I wrote down, the more I can identify there was a part could have been my fault, my wrong interpretation of an action or words leading to the bad ending. Not properly taking the other persons past hurt and perspective: I find from personal experience that when I look deeply at any resentment I have, I find origins either in my perception of the event, the other person’s hurt becomes revealed. I don’t know their past, I don’t know what thinking leads them to do or say the things they say… I need to look at myself more closely, look at the empathy I have within, then from this place of empathy, look closely at the actions and reactions of the offensive party and ask myself: “Is this really worth me holding a resentment?”
Remembering the analogy of Buddha teaching:
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned”
If we substitute here resentment for anger, which in fact is the same, we see our solution is not in retaliation, or holding this pain and suffering because the one hurt the most is the one holding onto the resentment… Let go NOW! This very moment let go….
REPEAT THIS MANTRA: "If we meditate and do this work for all the things are ailing us, I will achieve Enlightenment and Peace of Mind." - BILL WILSONSFRIEND
Look for next week’s edition on “LOVE”. And be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive it directly to your inbox, so you won't miss a beat.